Monday, April 12, 2010

Long Weekend, Friends, Paella [Fin de Semana Largo, Amigos, Paella]

For Holy Week we decided to take a trip up to Barco de Avila and stay at Fernando's Mom childhood home. I always love going here. I turn off my cell phone, ignore the TV, and well, internet is non-exsistant - I disconnect from the world. We decided to invite a couple a friends along for the adventure.

[Para Semana Santa decidimos irnos a Barco de Avila y quedarnos en la casa donde se crió la Madre de Fernando. Siempre me encanta ir allí. Apago el móvil, ignoro la televisión, y bueno, internet casi que no existe - desconecto del mundo. Decidimos invitar algunos amigos a la aventura.]

I didn't take many pictures, I've been lacking in the inspiration department, but I was able to document the Paella making - for 8 people!

[No hice muchas fotos, he tenido poca inspiración estos días, pero si pude documentar como se hace una Paella - para 8 personas!]

'The Genius Cooks' [Las Genias Cocineras]

'The Observers' [Los Observadores]

Rotating the pan so all the rice cooks evenly.
[Rotando la paellera para que se hiciera todo el arroz]

'The Masterpiece' [La Obra Maestra]

I'm pretty certain everyone had seconds and even thirds.
[Estoy casi seguro que todo mundo cogió dos o tres veces.]

© 2010 Ivett Chicas

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