Fotografiado el dia 27 de Julio 2009. Barrio Ibiza en Madrid, España.
[Photographed July 27, 2009. Ibiza neighborhood in Madrid, Spain]
La idea era dar una sensación de exploración, la sensación de que estas viendo algo muy privado sin ser percibido. Si, es un hogar muy ordinario y sus habitantes hacen cosas muy ordinarias pero lo que ves es su espacio seguro, donde se sienten mas cómodos, donde son mas vulnerables.
Puse la cámara al nivel de un niño y me paseé por la casa - comenzando y terminando en el mismo puesto pero llegando de diferentes direcciones. No me decidía si quiera los colores un poco desaturados o totalmente desaturados. Pero si estaba segura que no quieria que los colores distraerán.
[The idea was to give a sense of exploring, a sense that you're looking at something very private without being noticed. Yes, it's an ordinary home and it's inhabitants are doing very ordinary things but what you're seeing is their safe space, where they feel most comfortable, where their guard is always down, where they're at their most vulnerable.
I placed the camara at about the eye level of a child and went about the house - beginning and ending in the same spot but approaching from different directions. I went back and forth on the colors a lot, wasn't sure whether I wanted something semi desaturated or completely desaturated. What I was sure of was that I didn´t want the colors to distract.
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