Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Multiplicity [Multiplicidad]


The above image I submitted to a photo contest. I've been sunbmitting to various lately but the competition is fierce! Regardless of the outcome I'm proud of the above image for various reasons.

1. I thought of the idea as I was falling asleep and actually executed the very next day.

2. I had to preplan the set-up, like an actual production. Set-up the books, fruits, veggies etc. Think of warddrobe, make-up, hair.

3. I had to plan and be aware of lighting at all times, make sure it was consistent for all characters at all times.

The theme was 5 per day, as in 5 fruits and vegetables each day.

[Participe en un concurso de fotografía con la imagen de arriba. Ultimamente he participado en varios pero la competicion es feroz! A pesar de como salga todo estoy muy orgullosa de esta imagen por varias razones.

1. Pensé en la idea la noche anterior en lo que me quedaba dormida y lo ejecute el siguiente día.

2. Tuvé que planear todo con anticipacion, como una produccion real. Tenia que preparar las frutas, hortalezas, libros, etcétera. Tuve que pensar en el maquillaje, peinado y ropa.

3. Tuve que planear y estar consiente de la luz en todo momento, asegurarme de que era consistente para todo los personajes en todo momento.

El tema era 5 al dia, 5 frutas y hortalezas al dia.]


  1. Hi Ivett! I love that photo! It's amazing that all those girls are you! I was trying to figure out which one you were but they all looked so familiar...

  2. I love it!! You look awesome, Ivett! :) Hope you win a great prize soon!!!

    P.S - so glad you know what i'm talking about! not all lattes are created equal!
